From today our offices have re-opened after the Coronavirus lockdown, but there are a few changes in place that we’d like to make you aware of.

Screens have been installed at every desk to protect clients and staff and we have a range of cleaning products, including hand gel, antibacterial wipes and sprays, which are available for everyone to use. In addition, we are limiting the number of people coming in at any one time, so we may keep the front door closed to control the number of visitors.

All viewings and valuations will be carried out in line with government Covid-19 regulations, but we are also offering digital valuations and viewings as well.

If you have any questions about the new procedures, or if you would like to contact us about buying, selling or renting please get in touch, our teams are happy to help.

SALES Tel: 01446 700222 Email:

LETTINGS Tel: 01446701333 Email: